Jasmin Savoy Brown

Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#5, pages 41 à 45.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Août 2017

Evangeline “Evie” Murphy is your first regular role in a TV show. 'The Leftovers' has a mix of young casting and some actors with long careers just like Regina King, who plays, your mom, Erika Murphy. Did she give you some advice, or did you ask her some ones ?
Regina is as spectacular a person as she is an actress and she has become a mentor in my life. She has given me tons of advice. Most of the advice she’s given me has been about navigating a sustainable, lengthy career as a black woman in the industry. She also has the best jokes and stories !
The show ends with season 3. Did you like it or do you wish some things were done differently ? 
I loved it. I think it ended leaving people with the right amount of questions answered and the right amount of questions to be asked. It was emotionally fulfilling and tied the right things up.
One of your best friends is the actress Violett Beane, who also appeared in the season 2 of 'The Leftovers'. Would you like to act with her again ?
I would love to ! Violett and I talk about that all the time. We would love to do a horror film together or an action film where we get to kick some ass together.
In addition to be an actress, you are a musician. We have already heard you singing in 'The Leftovers'. What are your musical preferences and would you like to play in a show like ‘Empire' or ‘Nashville' ?
I listen to all types of music! Currently I am listening to Kweku Collins, Company of Thieves and the Hamilton soundtrack a lot. My favorite genres are musical theatre and jazz. I would love a chance to play on a show like Empire or Nashville! They’re so different and would stretch me in different ways.
Let’s talk about Will', your new show, which is about William Shakespeare. Can you tell us what it is about ?
Will follows the early life of William Shakespeare as he navigates life in London and his artistic identity in his early twenties. We have a private glimpse into his development as an artist and a man as he battles opposing forces spiritually, romantically, and in the professional world. It’s wonderful to watch because we all know Shakespeare as this brilliant, polished playwright. We forget he was once a struggling artist, just like so many of us! He too had to overcome adversary and “couch surf” so to speak and endure many rejections. Not to mention the cast is phenomenal, the script is brilliant, and the show is entertaining! I can’t wait to share it with the world.
You play Emilia Bassano in Will’, a woman who has really existed. How did you prepare for this role ?
Research, and coaching. I had so many coaches. An acting coach, an accent coach, a dialect coach, two choreographers who become body and movement coaches, several script analysis coaching sessions… lots of coaches! It takes a village to create a show. Because this project is a period piece, I had to transform my entire being to bring Emilia to life. The way she sits, the way she walks and talks differs drastically from the ways I sit, walk and talk. The preparation was one my favorite parts of the process.
What other projects do you have coming up ?
I have a fun part in season 3 of LOVE on Netflix ! I can also be seen in the upcoming film Before You Say I Do.
Are you a fan of a TV show in particular? And would you like to play a role in it ?
I am currently obsessed with The Handmaid’s Tale. This show is terrifying because it is so relevant and doesn't feel that far off. I would love a chance to appear on the show.
Have you ever been in France ?
Yes I have ! I visited Paris last December right before Christmas and it was one of the most magical, beautiful places. I walked the Christmas market with my aunt and cousin and we drank mulled wine as we ate nutella crepes. People were singing and it was freezing cold… perfectly romantic.
Then, would you like to tell something to your French fans ?
To my French fans I say - THANK YOU ! Your support mirrors that of your country - beautiful, unique and important. I love chatting with you on Twitter and I hope you are excited about my upcoming projects !
Ecrit par albi2302 
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